The Places I ride, the people I meet, the things I enjoy…
Destination: Harrisonburg
With the riding season starting to really kick into gear I figured I’d share five of my favorite destinations within a 2-3 hour drive of the DC Metro area over the course of the next few weeks. Here’s my first pick, Harrisonburg!
Where I Ride
This weekend I was tooling around in Photoshop with one of the trail images and it occurred to me that it would be cool to make a stylized version of it and make a “Where I Ride” poster that I could offer people as a download.
Revisiting Carvins Cove
It has been a little over seven years since I last visited Carvins Cove. The last time around I was working on Mountain Biking Virginia and my buddy Mark H. and I rode some of the tougher trails along this classic Blue Ridge destination.
Out of This World Locust Shade Rides and Jump Fest
A small gallery of images from the Out of This World Locust Shade Rides and Jump Fest on September 15, 2024
Route Library: Where to Ride
Introducing the new Where to Ride section of and a new curated route library on Ride With GPS.
The Mid-Atlantic Ride Journal
The Mid-Atlantic Ride Journal, to motivate and inspire others to bike and discover the same joy and love of cycling we have in common.
Looking back on 2023, forward to 2024
Personally, 2023 was a good year. Like any other, it had its ups and downs, but overall, most of the habits and patterns I developed are worth repeating.
Lima, Polaroids
I was recently cleaning up my office and came across a box of old Polaroids I shot back in April of 2010 during a walk from Lima’s center to Miraflores.
The Southern Traverse
Several friends and I spent this past Saturday tackling the Southern Traverse, an IMBA Epic ride along the southern spine of the Shenandoah Mountain Trail.
Miraflores, in Film
This past September we had the opportunity to head back home to Lima, Peru and I brought along my father’s refurbished Kodak Retina IIIc camera so that I could take a few snapshots of the adventure.
2023 MoCo Epic
Great weather, amazing trails, and awesome riding buddies. The 2023 MoCo Epic did not disappoint.
El Mercado
Rather than just eating at home, or at the myriad of amazing restaurants every day, we booked a half day excursion with Haku tours to visit the market, purchase ingredients and then cook two of Peru’s classic dishes, Cebiche and Lomo Saltado.
Progressive Mountain Biking: Redeux
Advice on which trails to hit, and in what order, if you are a new mountain biker in the Washington DC region.
Go For a Ride using the Best DC Cycling Guides!
All around Washington, DC, are some great roads, trails, and bike paths that are fun to explore. My Books: Best Easy Bike Rides Washington, DC, Mountain Biking the Washington DC/Baltimore Area and Mountain Biking Virginia describe nearly 100 great regional cycling destinations.
Each route includes complete directions, a map, a text description of the area you’ll be riding, the GPS coordinates of the Start/finish point, and color photos of at least one of the ride’s features. Also included is information on local restaurants, lodging, maps, bicycle shops, and other facilities for cyclists, as well as community resources.
The Ride With GPS (RWGPS) map below lists a collection of routes included in Best Bike Rides Washington DC, Best Easy Bike Rides, Washington DC, Mountain Biking Virginia and Mountain Biking the Washington DC/Baltimore Area. The map also includes routes and rides not documented in one of my books. Please Join my RWGPS Club account to gain access to member only routes, events, challenges and other member only benefits.
All documented rides in my books include detailed directions to the starting point of the ride, accurate maps, historic write-ups on the area/ride, regional information including points of contact, where to eat, stay, and other useful data to make the best out of your outing.
Honorable mentions include directions to the starting point and references to help you craft your own routes.